Young Professionals - Veranstaltungen 2024

Sep 2024: 1st digital meeting of the YP committees in large dams groups within the “DACH” region

The first digital meeting of the Young Professional committees on large dams (COLD) groups within the "DACH" region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) took place.
We got to hear about the hot topics in the three countries
Germany: Aging dams and safety of dams (Michael Kögel, Dr.-Ing. Niklas Schwiersch, Marina Diers)
Austria: Development of young engineers (Max Deutsch)
Switzerland: Scouring and freeboard (Matthew Halso, Carolin Friz)
Complimented by keynotes from the president of the German Committee on Dams Prof. Dirk Carstensen and technical committee member Christian Leeb on the neverending tasks a dam construction brings.
We truly enjoy being part of this cross-border community with professional exchange and promotion of young researchers and engineers.
Thanks to the German YPs for the organization!

Aug 2024: Excursion to Spitallamm dam

Amazing trip with the SwissDams Young Professionals to Spitallamm Dam! We got a unique tour of the new low level outlet with hydraulic designer Aurélie Koch. We also saw the construction status for the new arch dam, toured the system of construction access tunnels, and got an up-close look at the other outflow structures and existing gravity dam!

June 2024: YP meeting and SwissDams Technical Days in Locarno

December 2023: Excursion to Linth Limmern Power Stations

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